Do you have any Halloween dinner traditions? When I was five years old, my mom peeled grapes, put them in a bowl and turned off the lights. When we stuck our hands in, they felt like… eyeballs! I still remember the chills that ran down my spine. For dinner next Monday, check out these eight spooky recipes that kids would love…
These four-ingredient frozen banana ghosts take 10 minutes.
This recipe had us at “guacamoldy.” (The chips are made from tortillas cut with Halloween cookie cutters and toasted.)
Whether you roast the peppers first or serve them raw, they make the perfect container for spaghetti brains!
You can add some fright to your favorite soup with sticky rice “eyeballs.”
Store-bought pizza dough can become bone breadsticks for dipping into marinara “blood.”
Whip up some jack-o-lantern quesadillas with pumpkin, chicken and goat cheese.
And serve drinks with wormy ice.
Any other ideas to share? We’d love to hear!
P.S. A funny costume for babies, and a genius way to cook family dinners.
(Top photo of Halloween pizzas by Tastes Better From Scratch, via SwissMiss.)