8 Fun Instagram Accounts

What are your favorite Instagram accounts? Here are eight funny and inspiring ones…

Above, the wildly popular I Have This Thing With Floors brings together photos of people around the world standing on cool floors. It’s weirdly inspiring and beautiful (and I love the shoes).

8 Fun Instagram Accounts

That J.Crew Gingham Shirt made me laugh out loud. Alex wears this shirt ALL the time, and Toby even has a mini version. #busted

8 Fun Instagram Accounts

NITCH features photos of celebrities with quotes. Jackie Kennedy Onassis advises: “Minimum information given with maximum politeness.” Awesome.

8 Fun Instagram Accounts

Waiting Dogs is a homage to all those patient cuties waiting outside cafés, restaurants and shops.

8 Fun Instagram Accounts

The tongue-in-cheek Sad Animal Facts gets it right every time.

8 Fun Instagram Accounts

The Subway Book Review asks bookish commuters to share their thoughts on what they’re reading. (Our girl Caroline was featured last month!)

8 Fun Instagram Accounts

Satire Gram pokes fun at all the Instagram clichés out there.


Rock That Museum Kid shows that kids can love museums, too. It reminds me of this photo of teeny Toby gallery hopping.

Any other recommendations? We’d love to hear…