Lucy Joanna Goddard

Lucy Joanna Goddard

My twin sister Lucy just launched a podcast…

Gravity — about what becomes possible when we think of hardships differently. She tackles loneliness, grief, illness, different family structures, and more; her guests talk about how they reframe their difficulties in order to find meaning or happiness.

For her second episode, she actually interviewed me. In our bedrooms in California and New York, we each crawled under blankets, so our voices wouldn’t echo. Then we chatted about personal mantras, how much I love Cup of Jo readers, and a deep depression I went through in the fall of 2019. (I mentioned it briefly here.)

This morning, I listened to the episode while on a rainy walk — I laughed at how soothing and authoritative Lucy’s voice sounds, and then I come in all rambling and chatty (a sample quote: “I felt like I was going to throw up!”) Nonetheless, I was so grateful to talk about mental health and really honored to be on her beautiful show. Sending the biggest hug to anyone who needs one right now.

Here is our episode, if you’d like to listen. Thank you so much for having me, Lucy. xo

Lucy Joanna Goddard

P.S. My experience with postpartum depression, and Lucy’s apartment makeover.