
What are you up to this weekend? We actually have zero plans. Maybe dinner at Brooklyn Crab? Maybe a pedicure? Maybe nothing at all? I’m excited to just chill. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun posts from around the web…

I became a mother in that chair.”

Photographer Jamie Beck is spending a year in Provence, and her self-portrait series is bananas. (Especially this and this.)

Made me laugh out loud.

A Reddit thread for In-N-Out questions.

Looking forward to watching The Incredible Jessica James.

Wishlisting this pretty top.

Why newborn babies smell so good.

“The 10 things I use to get that elusive no-makeup look.”

How to pick the juiciest rotisserie chicken at the grocery store.

Winners of the 2017 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year contest.

Plus, two great reader comments…

Says Emily on hosting overnight guests: “Recently my brother-in-law and his family came to stay. They arrived after dinner with three little kids. I put a G&T in his hand, a cup of herbal tea in hers and whisked their kids out for some ice cream so they could have some quiet time after a long day of driving. I got a many thank yous for that one… not only from the parents but the kids, too!”

Says Jessica on you’re already a perfect mother: “For those who have commented who say they aren’t sure they know how to love or that they never learned how from their parents, the mere fact that you have the awareness to ask that question means you are. An anecdote that keeps this in mind for me is that growing up, my absolute favorite dinner was ‘plate of little things.’ My single mom would slice cheese, apples, crackers, hot dogs, dry cereal, whatever and we would eat it in front of the TV. I told her that recently and she gasped, ‘What? those were the nights I failed. I didn’t cook a thing and was too tired to talk to you guys. That’s ridiculous.’ Goes to show, it may be JUST when we fail that our kids feel most happy.”

(Photo of Toby while we were on a bike ride. In-N-Out via Hither & Thither.)