Alex and I have been talking recently, and we would like to have…

…two children still, most likely. Now and again I’ll wonder if we should have a third (it was actually my birthday wish!), but our boys are such a lovely little handful, we think we’ll probably stop now. And, when I think about our family, it feels like everyone is here. It feels like our family was meant to be this way. I don’t feel like we’re waiting for anyone else, if that makes sense.

Interestingly enough, according to the U.S. Census and Gallup polls, the average American married couple wants 2.5 children but has 1.86 children.

How many kids do you hope to have, if all goes according to plan? Has the number changed as you’ve gotten older? Have you been surprised about how things have turned out? I’m curious to hear…

P.S. On having a boy. And would you ever decide to NOT have kids?

(Photo by Stefano Azario for Vogue)