This past fall, when I was feeling bummed out, Alex and I started a tradition to try to cheer me up…
When we would lie down in bed at night, we each had to say:
* two things you’re grateful for overall
* two little things you enjoyed that day
* one reason why you’re glad you’re married to the other person
It was so nice to end the day with this little chat, and we would tell each other anecdotes and compliments that we might not have otherwise. And it really was a pick-me-up! Even though I’m (thankfully) starting to feel better now, we’re planning to keep it up.
Do you do anything like this? Gratitude journals are supposed to be awesome. (Here are six surprising tips about how to keep one.)
P.S. Encouragement and the no-complaining challenge.
(Photos from our friend’s cabin a while back)