Just like I pictured. By the lovely Ruth Chan.
P.S. A love letter to BTS and what kind of traveler are you?
Just like I pictured. By the lovely Ruth Chan.
P.S. A love letter to BTS and what kind of traveler are you?
SO not pregnant, and not napping on a croc pillow in the park, but this feels so personal and relatable and sweet, and I’m just filled with a bubbly joy when I realize this must be Ruth’s reality currently, and WE KNOW HER (parasocially), and I’m just so . . . happy. For her. Because of her. Because of this community. xox
Anyone else currently pregnant and hoping for a cool summer?? I am currently 7months and already feeling very sweaty and unglamorous. Hard relate to this post haha.
Not pregnant, but living with a 2 y/o on the upper floor with giant south-facing windows and no AC (not the norm here, were waiting to get it installed). It gets to hot for him to sleep well very quickly, and I’m anxiously checking the 10-day-forecast daily… So far, spring has been terrible, but I can’t help feeling glad. I hope we’ll get the AC soon, so we can look forward to next summer.
Wishing you a great 3rd trimester and the weather you are hoping for!
I was 7 months pregnant this time last year! I feel you! I used the stroller fan we bought and hooked it onto our headboard. My husband would also put frozen raspberries in ginger ale so I felt included in fun (cold!) summer drinks :) Best of luck. The good news is you can be snuggly with your newborn during the holidays.
My mother always told me as a kid to ‘try to’ get pregnant at the end of the summer so that I would deliver before the next one. This was extremely personal advice because I was born on Labor Day, and she loved to communicate how much of a special type of hell being 9 months pregnant in August was!
I am not pregnant but I can somehow relate to this nonetheless! Haha
It says beautiful things about the world (which often feels so broken) that someone can fall asleep in broad daylight like this, to feel safe and warm and able to rest. And then able to wake again and laugh at themselves. May we all be this blessed, Ruth Chan! Thanks for the fun comic.
Flowy blouse not draped over bum made me laugh. 7 months pregnant right now and I swear nothing fits or covers anything anymore when I lay down or relax
When I was preggers I passed out in my car during my 30 min lunch break. Wiped the drool from my chin when my alarm went off and walked back into the building like no one saw me.
Hahaha the sock-on-a-croc pillow is awesome
Ruth are you pregnant? Yay!!!!
Best naps ever involve slight drooling. Even better with my cat spooning with me and also slightly drooling. So I hope there was also drooling, Ruth! :)
Haha, yes! Drool was not neglected. Zoom into the second frame.
The other day I was telling my husband how I don’t feel glamorous at all being pregnant . Happy yes , but not movie like pregnancy. This is our first baby and we’re really discovering as we go. He on the other hand thinks it’s the most amazing thing ever that I could be carrying this tiny baby inside me. Him being so loving and gentle is what makes me feel glamorous and radiant .
Not pregnant – I like to go to our botanical gardens with a book and intentions like the first sketch, and somehow it always turns into the second one. But who can resist a hard nap in the dappled sun??