Yesterday I was in a stormy mood. To be honest, our mediation feels pretty grinding, even though Alex and I are super amicable. It requires a lot of paperwork and zooms and logistics, and we’re both ready for it to be done.
Since we’ve been thisclose to the end for what feels like forever, it reminds me of Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox — have you ever heard of it? The philosopher argued that you can never reach the end of a racetrack because first you get halfway across the track, then you get halfway across the distance you have left, then you get halfway across that distance, then you get halfway across that distance… so, even though you’re getting closer to the finish line, you’ll never actually reach it. That, my friends, is this mediation.
So, as a way to chilllllllll out, I’ve been leaning into simple pleasures. Here are a few pick-me-ups this week…
I took a walk with the lovely Caroline, who used to work at Cup of Jo. We picked up right where we left off, and it was really fun to catch up.
My friend and I went to the movie theater to see Past Lives. The relationships were beautifully nuanced, and the end absolutely slayed me. The NYTimes called it “a gorgeous, glowing, aching thing.” Highly recommend.
Editor Simone Kitchens raved about these waterproof $40 Tevas, which feel “comfortable enough to hike in” and take “no break-in time.” I’m psyched to run around in them on summer trips and adventures.
The boys and I decided to stir up some boxed brownies. But we soon realized we didn’t have any vegetable oil. After googling substitutions, we went with sour cream. Oh my gosh, you guys, the brownies were SO moist and decadent. Now I’ll always include that secret ingredient.
And, of course, hanging with these goofballs always does the trick. xoxo
What about you? What simple pleasures have you enjoyed lately? What’s your emotional temperature these days? I’d love to hear.
P.S. Simple pleasures, and happiness vs. wholeness.
(Brownie photo by Food Lovin’ Family.)