One of the best parts of parenting is seeing the world through a child’s eyes, don’t you think? The world feels so magical. It’s not just a city block with buildings; it’s an ant hill, a taxi, A TEENAGER. I’ve been a parent for more than seven years, and it never gets old. Here are a few things my boys find thrilling these days…
Getting letters in the mail
Half birthdays
When the moon is out during the daytime
Anytime the doorbell rings
Photos of themselves
When trees are still dripping after it rains
Anytime they get to sleep in our bed
High fives
Mango lassis
Mommy tracing letters on their backs
When Daddy swats flies
Pajama day at school
When the flight attendant who gave them cookies was also NAMED COOKIE
It’s funny because you don’t always know exactly whether something will enchant them or irritate them. Sometimes it’s almost the same thing: haircuts on someone else (good) vs. haircuts on themselves (bad); stepping in a puddle (good) vs. stepping in a puddle unexpectedly (very bad).
My sister-in-law wrote this on Facebook the other day:
Things that J. (3 years old) had a level 10 tantrum about in the last week:
1) His banana broke and I couldn’t fix it.
2) He wanted a bed he saw in his dream.
3) I wore a scarf to work.
What about your kids? What do they find delightful? I’d love to hear…
P.S. A baby’s favorite toys and a motherhood mantra.
Cup of Jo has been running for 13 years (!) so we’ve decided that every week, we’ll be highlighting one of the most popular posts from the past. Here’s one of our favorites, originally published on June 26, 2017…
(Photo by Alpha Smoot for Cup of Jo.)