Now that Toby is seven, he’s speaking more like an adult — without so much wacky nuttiness. But, at four years old, Anton is busting out gems left and right. Four is such a funny age; Anton seems old and wise in so many ways, but then turns around and wants to read a book about bunnies or raccoons. Here are a few things he has said recently…
When my sister was visiting, she asked Anton to repeat something she hadn’t heard. He replied, “Oh, nothing! I was talking to the chandelier.”
While walking him to school, I was telling Anton where snow comes from. Then he turned to me and said, “I kind of like learning things more than I like already knowing things.”
Anton’s sense of humor is developing, and it’s a little dark. The other day, the head of Toby’s doll fell off. When I glanced over and asked, “Anton, what’s going on over there?” he said, “Oh, nothing to see here, just a headless baby.”
Alex and I were putting the boys to bed before going out to dinner. Anton was cuddling with me and asked, “When will you be back?”
Me: “Oh, just two hours.”
Anton: “Okay.”
He seemed to feel better, so I gave him a kiss and left the room. Then I heard him call out again.
Anton: “Mommy?”
Me: “Yes?”
Anton: “What are hours?”
Anton: “Life throws a lot at us.”
Me: “Yeah, wow, that’s true.”
Anton: (Pause) “Like meteors and space junk.”
Although they can drive each other crazy, Toby and Anton’s bond makes my heart melt. Every time Anton and I are on a walk, he’ll ask me to take photos of cool cars, so he can show them to Toby.
And Toby, who sometimes has a tough time, was recently having a meltdown, and Anton tried to make him laugh. He flipped on the bed, so his feet were on the pillow, and asked me to give his feet a goodnight kiss. The joke landed, and Anton pointed to Toby’s smile and said, “There it is! There it is.”
What cute things have your kids been saying lately? I’d love to hear…
P.S. More kids in conversation, and a surprising way to stop tantrums.