Toby and Anton, brothers sharing a bed

What are your plans for the weekend? We’re going to Central Park with the boys to jump in the leaves. Also, I’m going to take a bath tonight. I haven’t taken many baths since I was a kid, but nowadays they feel so calming. Hope you have a relaxing few days, and here are a few fun links from around the web…

This one song reduces anxiety by 65%.

How to start a cookbook club. (Or, near and dear to my heart, an articles club.)

9 times when it’s totally fine to put ice in your wine.

Activewear designed to encourage Muslim female athletes.

Damn, now THOSE are balloons.

Whose mom is this? Can’t stop smiling!

A little flowers go a long way.

A year and a half later, I’m still laughing at this New Yorker essay.

21 great documentaries.

How to have an (actually) chill Thanksgiving.

Plus, two reader comments…

From Erin: “Years of counseling have taught me one thing: Never underestimate someone else’s reality. A person may tell you the sky is orange, when, in fact, they have only ever seen a sunset.”

From Cat: “I have two boys, and the saying that sticks with me from when they were babies is, ‘Going from one child to two is like going from owning a dog to running a zoo.’ ”

(Photo of Toby and Anton from Instagram. Song via Jocelyn Glei.)