What are you up to this weekend? We’re going to a holiday party tonight and I’m excited to dress up and drink some bubbly. (We’re bringing these amazing cookies.) After a busy week with Alex out of town for work, I’m also hoping to steal a nap with the boys tomorrow. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…
The last paragraph made me tear up.
Do you dread awkward pauses? Here are a few funny conversation starters.
A lifesaver for fussy kids on a plane.
Guests coming over? Here’s how to fake a clean house.
Alpha always has the best Halloween costumes.
Imperfect Produce sells the ugly fruits and vegetables that don’t make it to grocery store shelves.
Thumbs up to this 2016 calendar. Bravo.
The way we board planes makes absolutely no sense.
Your new favorite fall floral isn’t a flower at all.
10 viral sensations (including Charlie Bit My Finger) talk about their Internet fame. Really fascinating.
And, last but definitely not least, Seinfeld is coming back!!!
Have a good one. xoxo
(Photo by Dean the Basset. Plane link via Of a Kind. Produce link via Swissmiss)