What are you up to this weekend? We are flying to California this afternoon to visit Alex’s family. Thanks for all the beautiful, soul-baring comments on this post. I was tearing up last night reading them all. (And I loved the hand-raising emojis on Instagram!) Thank you so, so much. I feel very lucky to be part of a community of such smart, wonderful people. Hope you have a relaxing weekend, and here are a few (lighter) links from around the web…

Just saw this movie and loved it.

Why you should sit at the bar at a restaurant.

Sweetheart pizzas.

How to keep kids entertained while you shop. (This is genius.)

I’ve been wearing this all winter.

We’ve talked about an energy reader—but how about a psychic?

Now you can turn your Instagram photos into temporary tattoos!

A former maître d’ explains why you should stay home on Valentine’s Day.

What do you think about the trailer for the new Judd Apatow movie?

Parents have tantrums, too.”

Floor plans of famous sitcom homes.

The true sign of an old friend.

And if you’re in New York: A cool new gallery show about Joan Didion.

Plus, three past posts you may have missed:
* The psychology behind The Bachelor.
* How to look confident.
* Six words to say to your child.

Thank you again, and have a good one. xoxo

(Photo by Mary Quincy)