My darling readers, what are you doing this weekend? Alex and I having a few friends over for games and chili, made from our favorite recipe. I’m also secretly getting psyched for The Bachelorette, which premieres a week from Monday. (I know.) Have a wonderful weekend, my lovelies, and meanwhile, here are a few great posts from around the web…
Your own airplane suite? Little kids would love this.
Pretty whale mobile. (Thanks, Elizabeth)
Wish list: Yellow sandals.
Gorgeous handkerchief save-the-date.
These chocolate letters would be perfect for typography nuts (or a dinner party surprise).
What a sweet Mother’s day morning.
100% wildflower seed bombs grow anywhere.
A good argument for thick black eyeliner.
These are embroidered? Crikey.
The new Apartment Therapy book is sooo good.
Do cute sweatpants exist? Yes, they’re called track pants.
On that note, I’m loving these J. Crew “easy pants.”
Remember Gemma and Andy’s wedding? Here’s their awesome house.
I was honored to do a little interview for Let’s Go Ride a Bike. xo
Attention, fashionistas: My friends are giving away these amazing shoes! Enter here.
Plus, five Cup of Jo posts you may have missed:
* American style inspiration.
* NYC rooftop houses.
* Cute families.
* Rain blanket.
* My parents were awesome.
(Photo by Carl Monus)