Gift Guide #9: The Hard-to-Shop-For-Crowd (Teenagers, In-Laws, You Know Who You Are) 15 foolproof ideas for teenagers, in-laws and teachers. 183 COMMENTS
Gift Guide #8: Your British Dad Who Brings His Own Bag of PG Tips When He Comes to Visit. 10 gifts for dads, including hand-ripped noodles and the game you loved growing up. 83 COMMENTS
Gift Guide #7: Your Brilliant Friend Who Always Orders Potatoes-for-the-Table at Breakfast. 10 gifts for friends, including two gripping books and very pretty earrings. 89 COMMENTS
Gift Guide #4: Your Boyfriend or Husband Who Never Met a Pasta Recipe He Didn’t Love. 13 gifts for men, like a spaghetti sweatshirt and a "banger" fragrance. 93 COMMENTS
Gift Guide #3: Your Outdoorsy Sister Whose Texts Make You Laugh as You’re Walking Down the Street. 12 gifts for sisters, including a beautiful necklace and very gooey cheese. 69 COMMENTS
Gift Guide #2: Your Mom (or Mother Figure) Who Reads Poetry and Plays Nerf Basketball With Your Kids. 12 gifts for moms, including chocolate cookies and a travel essential. 77 COMMENTS