Never not in the mood for 13 Going on 30. By the lovely Grace Farris.
P.S. Reflections on 10 years of motherhood and new anniversaries to celebrate.
Never not in the mood for 13 Going on 30. By the lovely Grace Farris.
P.S. Reflections on 10 years of motherhood and new anniversaries to celebrate.
This is so spot-on! And as a high school nurse I cannot tell you how many kids come limping in to my clinic after lunch (where they can freely play sports). Some just need ice and some have sprained or fractured things. That damn under developed frontal lobe!
Love Grace’s comics!
I am a Middle School teacher and Assistant Principal and this drawing is everything. I am sharing it with all my teachers and showing it to the parents in my office who are there because they are overwhelmed by their 6th or 7th grader. Everything about this is just splendid. Home run, Grace!
“Do you know how a baby gets in there?”
(very confidently) “Well, I know it has something to do with eating eggs.”
I’m not at this stage yet, but I love this!
Yes, the crocs thing is real!!!
Anyone else here refreshing the Cup of Jo homepage for the weekend post and wondering if everything is ok? 👀
you are so sweet! all is fine, just had an unexpected kid thing come up at 4pm, and then went to a dinner party at 7:30pm, and now and finishing it up at 2am :) almost up!
Yes to all of this! Such a greasy, emotional roller coaster ride. Thank goodness for the sweet parts.
Maybe I’m the only one, but these posts (and other posts and comments on CoJ) are often really lovely to read from a “re-parenting myself” perspective! <3 I trust me!
you aren’t the only one! i’ve had the same experience, but hadn’t consciously noticed it as such. thanks for that!!
This is my life RN.
Nailed it
That movie is called Suddenly 30 here! It’s a winner. Had an excellent tween experience last night at Eras Tour at the cinema. Sadly we missed out on the concert tickets so this is next best thing. There was dancing and singing and squealing and bracelet exchanging with tweens and teens all in Era inspired outfits (myself included) and it was just the joyful best. Made me tear up thinking in this little space this joy is so big.
I just did this, too!! So fun. My daughter had really enjoyed it. Then today we drove the party wagon (minivan decked out with markers and streamers and a disco ball) down to her birthday at the mall and I had seven girls in my car having a blast. NOSTALGIA!!!!!
I’m 78 years young and have been wearing my black crocs morning, noon and night for over 2 years now. I can be dressed up and yes, the crocs go on. My neuropathy disappears and I don’t wear my podiatry inserts. My feet feel happy. What crazy reason could create such comfort in $50 shoes.
We live in the Pacific Northwest so rain boots are more practical than crocs. You think I can convince my 9 year old that runners would be more comfortable/practical for cross country practice than boots?? I’ve gotta work on that trust piece, I suppose and just let it go. 💗
I have the opposite problem (also here in the PNW); do you think I can convince my 10yo that boots will = comfy dry feet? His runners are sloshing when he comes home some days, but apparently boots are not cool. Neither are pants. Or jackets. Shivering must be “in”, though ;)
Aaahhhh..I feel seen..hahaha…have a soon to be 10 year old girl and we ride emotional rollercoasters everyday… And yes,”I trust you” ,everyday ..:)..Thank you for this post..
The crocs. My son is 7. He asked for crocs last spring and I agreed to buy them for what I thought would be his water shoes for the summer. No. He intended to wear them at all times!!! He is also obsessed with socks. Socks and crocs. And then the socks are disgustingly dirty. Why?!
As my 12 year old has told me “crocs and socks are a total vibe”
Same. My 6 year old son asked for a hideous pair of Minecraft Crocs with tons of 3D bling on them. They are genuinely awful. And he wears them everywhere.
“Mom, how long can sperm live?” “I don’t know – longer than you’d think. I can look it up when we get home.” “Well, Carla’s parents didn’t want another baby but they had one anyway, so I think the sperm from when they got pregnant with Carla must have still been around.” (*Carls is 6.) “Ohhhhh. No, they must have had sex again, sweetie.” “How do you know that about Carla’s parents???” “Um…”
I’m still laughing.
“longer than you’d think” hahahahaha
How funny!
For anyone who’s wondering: 5 days (in the female reproductive system). Someone did a study in the 90’s. The ovum only lives for about 24 hours once it leaves the ovary.
yes the crocs!!! I came down here to plus one and love that that part resonated with so many other people, too!
This made me giggle. Thanks for sharing.
Sending love and a hug-
I’m not a mom, but my brother has 5 kiddos whom I get to watch a lot. The crocs comment is SO spot on. As their aunt, when I babysit, I just sort of let them make their own choices (within reason) which sometimes works out for them, but sometimes does not lol It’s amazing and fascinating to see them grow and become the people they are. Their current obsessions are reruns of Zendaya’s K.C. Undercover, TikTok videos via Youtube, and saying funny lines about why my NYC apartment is so small (“the toilet and shower are like RIGHT next to each other?!?”, and why I don’t own a car despite the fact that I am a 35 year old adult :D I love them so much.
I think I said each of these things this week. What is it with wanting to wear crocs everywhere?
Yes to all of this, ESPECIALLY THE CROCS!!
Tween mom pro tip: if you don’t want them making out at a party or school dance, offer up lots of Funyuns.
Chickie Baby, it works, 100%.
The crocs! I was flummoxed when my son wanted white crocs to wear to camp (the instant grubbiness!)…then saw at drop-off that they were de rigeur among the tween/teen set.
Ha! This is me!!! Any other good movie recs? We watched 13 going on 30 last weekend ;)
Enola Holms (1 & 2)
The Princess Bride
We tend to watch more shows than movies:
All Creatures Great & Small (masterpeice)
Good Omens
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
In a similar vein to 13 Going on 30, Center Stage and Save the Last Dance are my go-tos. They hold up fairly well.
Freaky Friday!
10 Things I Hate About You!
Agree with all the recommendations and also add Yes Day! Parent Trap (old and newer) anything with Lindsay Lohan, Princess Diaries, Princess Switch, Cheaper by the dozen 1 and 2.
Also 27 Dresses
hahaha the crocs convo!! yep
hahaha, yes! Parenting a teen or tween is 30% joy, 10% worry, 10% emotional support, and 50% arguing that crocs aren’t appropriate for an activity _even in sport mode_
“But they’re in sport mode” (with straps over the heels)
My son has broken the “sport mode” ankle strap on two pairs of crocs in short succession by playing soccer in them at recess. My husband is so outraged by the crocs loolllll I’m like OK they’re making bad shoe choices don’t you think this is a *mostly* safe place to let them fail?
My life in a nutshell. Also: “Let them down easy if you don’t want to date just yet,” and “Never EVER accept a pill from someone else if you don’t know what’s in it.”
That illustration could be me! Loving my tween but it is an awkward stage. Shes still a little girl in some ways but has big girl emotions. Lots of patience, cuddles and chats are called for :)
I have a 9yo and I feel this one in my bones. I still see her as a toddler, but also see the future of her teenageness, too. My heart! Sweet girl, I love and believe and trust in you 😭 (but no, you can’t wear Crocs to basketball practice)