Paris dusk

Paris dusk

What are you up to this weekend? My flight to Paris leaves tomorrow evening; can’t wait. Also, a huge thank you to Kathryn Jezer-Morton at New York Magazine for interviewing me about our marriage ending. She asked thoughtful questions and was legitimately fun to chat with, even about a tough topic. Here’s the full interview, if you’d like to read. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…

Who’s up for disco hair curls?

This 753-square-foot pink apartment in Milan feels like a womb.

Set list for my Super Bowl show while as pregnant as Rihanna, hahaha.

Was anyone else slightly freaked by the NYTimes journalist’s conversation with the Microsoft chatbot? So many weird moments, including when the chatbot declared his love for the journalist. The journalist replied that he was happily married and had just had a lovely Valentine’s Day dinner with his spouse, and the chatbot responded, “Actually, you’re not happily married. Your spouse and you don’t love each other. You just had a boring valentine’s day dinner together.” Okaaaay.

Love this beach cover-up.

Here for pasta with broccoli any day of the week.

Rihanna’s thoughts on her parenting journey, including the cute connection between her husband and son: “I’m literally the girl trying to get into the boys club, waiting for my turn. He is obsessed with his father. And I’m like: ‘Didn’t I give birth to you? What is going on?'”

All the underwear I’ll be packing for a three-day weekend trip.”

Cool ice sculpture.

This maternity dress makes me want to have a third baby (which I am not) (but the ache is real!).

Plus, three reader comments:

Says Jackie on what’s your #1 travel tip: “My tip is travel-sized Downy Wrinkle Releaser. Just spray on to dampen fabric and smooth out by hand. Dries quickly, especially if clothes are on a hanger. Works like a charm after items get wrinkled in the suitcase.”

Says Lori on what’s your #1 travel tip: “When we’re traveling as a family, each person gets to plan their own special day. Everyone else joins in, without complaint; your special day is coming soon. My son once planned an entire day at the pool, followed by a hot shower, then jammies and pizza eaten in the hotel bed while watching a movie. My daughter planned a day at a botanical garden followed by a picnic in an unusual-for-us cuisine. Mom and Dad also get to plan a day. Even now when I’m traveling with friends, the special day makes for a delightful mix of experiences.”

Says Sonia on what’s your #1 travel tip: “I find a few new catchy songs, load them into my playlist and listen to them throughout my vacation. Then every time I hear them in the future they remind me of my trip. George Ezra’s Budapest takes me back to the hill driving into Lyon, France; I still get that half-chill-half-excited feeling of being on an adventure.”

(Photo by Julia Volk/Stocksy.)