May we all hold a moment of silence for our last slice of “breakfast pie.” By the wonderful Grace Farris.
P.S. Weekend mom and winter summarized.
May we all hold a moment of silence for our last slice of “breakfast pie.” By the wonderful Grace Farris.
P.S. Weekend mom and winter summarized.
If you love You’ve Got Mail, don’t forgot the charming classic Shop Around the Corner (which YGM is based on)!
That scene in YGM when she’s decorating the tree and writing about missing her mom is love and grief personified. “….unwrapping ornaments and missing my mother so much I almost couldn’t breathe.”
Last day for pie, maybe, but I replaced it with a loaf cake. I picked up a chocolate chip coconut loaf cake from Breads Bakery yesterday and had that for breakfast with some coffee, kids had it with milk. I also got vanilla, strawberry and chocolate sufganiyots for this weekend’s breakfast!
40 + 2 with our first and Channuka starts on Sunday – feeling all the feels that the holiday baby getting snuggled will be ours!!
Me, too, .S.! 40 + 2 but with our third, who will be a week old tomorrow–feeling all the feels, too!
Yes! Although, I’d have to substitute Love Actually and The Holiday…
Awwww heck yeah! I LOVE The Holiday and just watched it yesterday for the 2022 season :)
I love Christmas carols, but I hate secular Christmas music. Ergo, I almost die of joy by the time 12/25 rolls around and I know I will no longer hear Christmas music in stores!!!
I like darker holiday movies. Family Stone, anyone?
That’s my all time favourite! So many problems with that movie. And still. I love it.
Vera, I know! Horrible and cruel and inappropriate, but there’s a dysfunctional love at its core that feels sooooo relatable.
I so appreciate how Grace Ferris manages to document the spirit of any given moment in time with a few bold pen strokes and succinct (but perfect!) text. If brevity is the soul of wit, she’s got in in spades :)
I love You’ve Got Mail. I wonder of it were made now, would the ending be different? I want her to keep her store so badly…but I still love it. Meg Ryan’s outfits are just so good too.
You’ve Got Mail isn’t so much a “movie” as it is a “feeling” at this point.
That is correct
I cheer inside for the moment each year when I realize I’ve done ENOUGH for everyone, enough cookies baked, enough effort and money spent, that no more needs to be bought or shipped, that there is plenty of cheese and olives and if few cards were mailed or my sweater isn’t holiday-themed and my door wreath is unspectacular, and I only watched 1/2 of one holiday movie before apathy set in, and that doing my evening yoga while George Winston’s December album plays softly while my elderly dog snores nearby makes life OK, even…jolly.
Yes! Cheers for enough—and jolly!
Love this – and also may I make a last minute request for gift help? For my mother-in-law in her late 70s. She doesn’t read on paper (kindle), doesn’t cook, and has money. Most successful gifts in the past have been practical luxuries – things she needed but didn’t notice she’d needed. Often the “thing” of the moment has been appreciated (trending coffee cup, etc). Any ideas? Thanks!!
The East Fork Mug! It truly is the perfect mug. I handwash it so I can use it every day.
The “it” gift of the moment seems to be the Lululemon belt bag.
These bud vases are so sweet: https://www.etsy.com/listing/831717084/nature-bud-vases-pottery-planter-head?click_key=3c40d0703ad35868bdec650bd5c8f45b1c575f37%3A831717084&click_sum=17159f1b&ref=shop_home_active_2&pro=1
Does she has enough/nice enough camping chairs? Great for car trunks. Great for front hall closets. Great for movie nights. xox
I just had the same panic shopping experience for my mom, and wound up buying her cashmere slippers from COS stores. They’re insanely decadent! I know she’ll love them, and would never buy them for herself. Bonus- I bought myself a cashmere hat from COS about 10 years ago, and it is still in PERFECT condition (no pills!) even though it’s been through a LOT. It’s been worn almost daily in colder months, slept in, spilled on, stuffed in many a backpack/bag. It even memorably once spent the night on the floor of a pub in Ireland! Anyway, their cashmere is built to last.
What about experiences or consumables?
• gift card to interesting independent restaurant or show
• plants/flowers
• fancier versions of essential soaps
• gift card for luxury services
I’m getting my parents a gift certificate to have all their knives and scissors sharpened. Very practical and a good way to support a local business
I second the east fork mug!! So good!
Katherine of cashmere fame – how do you store these cashmere items? My husband bought me a cashmere scarf for Christmas 2020, and I pulled it out a month ago and it is FULL OF HOLES from…moths, I assume? I don’t know what I did wrong and I’m so so sad. Trying to see if a seamstress can fix them. I know it won’t look perfect but it will be better than hole-y.
My mother-in-law who matches your description of your mil buys nice fleece for anyone for whom she can’t think of a good gift. On the premise that we fall back on things we like when buying for others, here’s my suggestion.
@Kati, I put my first cashmere scarf in a bag with a metal tripod (with screws, etc.) before I knew I should be careful with cashmere. It came out with so many holes! But my (now-ex)MIL showed me how to mend it (with wool thread), and I did. It was black so the mending isn’t really noticeable unless you are looking to find the mended hole. So I totally think you could mend it or have it mended! And if it’s a lighter color, it’s possible the mending could be visible, but I actually really love mending my things and continuing to use and love them. I think it’s like a beautiful metaphor…things can be mended after they’ve been hurt. And sometimes the mending makes them even more beautiful, like kintsugi.
@Kati the answer is cedar wood. Moths are not a fan. You can find Cedar inserts (just thin, small planks of it) in the big box closet stores, or on the Internet I’m sure. Also for beloved knits that have already sprouted holes, I’ve embraced the Japanese idea of decorative mending (boro, sashiko, etc…) where instead of trying to hide the mending, you emphasize it. I carefully darn my sweaters with wool or cashmere thread, and then add beadwork or other textile art to it. The sleeves of my favorite cardigans have small flowers or geometric patterns blooming in all of the places they’ve needed care. I love how it gives beloved objects an evolution.
Yes! I definitely put You’ve Got Mail & When Harry Met Sally on the holiday movie list! 🤩
I recently watched You’ve got Mail for the 1st time & while I love the set design, the ending was probably one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. He acted so strange and had the audacity to say “all I did was cause your store to go out of business” ??? The wonderful local store that her late mother opened and loved? Maybe I don’t have the nostalgic factor of it but that movie made me so mad
For what it’s worth – My take on that has always been 100% sarcasm, which was acknowledging it was not a small thing at all.
Right?? On the rewatch I was so charmed by the setting/aesthetics/Meg Ryan’s character and shop, and hated him and the way he treated people. I take some sympathy in the fact that he almost certainly was bankrupted by Amazon a few years later while indie bookstores made a bit of a comeback.
This!! One of the worst movie endings of ALL TIME. I totally get the love for her shop, all the great outfits, and New York in all its seasonal glory, but omg the storyline, I just can’t.
I second Heather–I think he’s acknowledging it isn’t a small thing at all–and he asks then or at a different point for her to forgive him. Doesn’t mean you have to like what happens, though. :)
Okay, my partner and I just watched You’ve Got Mail for the first time a few months ago.
And, wow, Tom Hanks character is a CREEP. Red flags all over the place.
Guess you gotta expect that, this being a movie from the problematic 90s.
The thing I can’t understand is the enduring love for it still. I mean, watch that scene towards the end where he visits her in her apt. Absolute CRINGE.
Because it’s nostalgic, it’s a movie and not real life, we can use it to appreciate how far we’ve come, and we don’t all have to take everything so seriously all of the time
Who is eating pie for breakfast without gaining weight lol?
May we all eat whatever the fuck we want for breakfast, especially it if brings us joy, without anyone asking if it makes us afraid of a potential change to the shape of our body.
I don’t understand your q. you’re not more likely to gain weight eating pie for breakfast than you are if you eat it for dessert. Also, we’re not all on a diet.
Pie and cake for breakfast is absolutely the best part of holidays. With ice cream if I can hide it from my kids.
For me it balances out since I’ve lost the weight of other people’s expectations about what my body should look like.
Thank you Elizabeth!! That’s exactly right, exactly.
I practice pie and cake eating year round. One might say I’m devout.
Best comment on here!
Gaiil, how dare you.
I feel so seen.
“Last day of pie for breakfast.” My favourite.
Mine too! (and THE perfect breakfast!)
Official Rewatch Day of You’ve Got Mail!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Same – I’m saving it for my present wrapping evening. It’s a fall movie, it’s a spring movie, it’s a holiday movie – it can do anything!
I also celebrate its sister holiday: Annual Rewatch of While You Were Sleeping (traditionally celebrated while wrapping presents 🎁 )
Whoever you three are, I want to watch movies with you!
–Wanted to be Lucy M. in 8th grade thanks to “WYWS”
Where we stayed, ate, shopped, and people-watched.
When I was 41, my youngest kid started kindergarten...
An emotional rollercoaster.