By the wonderful Jessica Olien.
P.S. Heart palpitations and signs you’re in cozy season.
Hi Jessica Olien!
Thanks for sharing this kind of thought.
Aging is also an important phase of enjoying life. We all go to a settlement of maximum of our life problem in a certain stage of life. That’s a really great part of being aged.
I feel blessed reading this article. ?
I also relate to the dentist comment, but lately I’ve been trying to reframe my feelings about it (thanks Covid-era therapy!). It’s a great skill to be able to view an unpleasant chore as a relaxing break. I actually hate the process of having my teeth cleaned, but I try to focus on the relaxing part, which gets me through the horrible scraping and swooshing sensations. Dental and medical treatments aren’t usually fun but they definitely qualify as self-care and we should embrace that!
Embracing comfy shoes is for sure peak adulthood. I haven’t worn heels in years and I couldn’t care less. Life’s too short to wear shoes that hurt your feet.
Cereal at the table Infront of the laptop is my fav thing before going to bed! Yes I feel so seen.
The clogs one hit the spot today. I just bought a second pair of clogs and am so excited to expand my collection.
Ha! All so true!
Love this! And it’s very timely as my birthday is tomorrow :)
I am 58 years old. I am having the best time of my life right now. Not necessarily the happiest, certainly not the easiest, but most definitely the best. Life is a gift, and getting old is a privilege.
Love this!
Yes! 55 here, and YES!
There is a saying I keep on my bathroom mirror that is a keeper…*Age is a mind over matter and if you don’t mind, it really does not matter*…being an vintage lady here, I like to keep my mind in the present and do the best I can with each day with giving blessings back when I can. Oh I so love those old clogs I have kept forever.
Aging is the best thing that’s ever happened to me!
Omg I love this. I need it in a needlepoint kit.
“Oh, I was so cute!” ?❤️
Oh my gosh! I was just scrolling down to say birkenstocks and socks but you’ve levelled up with this portmanteau! It’s something about comfort and making my feet the perfect temperature in spring and autumn :)
Also (47 y old here); being listened to! The other day there were musicians playing in the street, on the market place and it was so joyful! they were young and happy to be playing ! (musicians without playig in public for a year!); then a group of very young policemen and women arrived, to ask for their permit; so I jumped in to defend the musicians and asked for their tolerance, it was such a perfect moment and we were outside with masks and all; I was very calm and so sure of myself and holding my son’s hand, and they agreed and left (the police). I was shocked and then I understood it was because of my age! I was so excited for the rest of the day and felt super powerful. yeah for gray hair and experience!
What a beautiful moment Agnes! Thank you for sharing!
This is wonderful! So many younguns are afraid of getting older. But as an almost 47 year old, let me add to that list:
– not caring what anyone thinks of you
– leaning hard into my nerddom
– total cookie autonomy
– the ability to say no becomes easier
– what you want in life becomes clearer
Also, some advice for those studying their face in a mirror – STEP AWAY FROM THE MIRROR.
100% agree! also, the love for younger women? I just want to tell them not to worry so much.
Honey girl… 47 …you are just getting started! Please don’t consider yourself old, that would make 70 seem ancient and it is not!
I was *just* talking to a coworker about how saying “no” gets easier as you get older! Practice makes perfect, lol.
“Total cookie autonomy”. Perfection and truth.
Maryn, I’ve had clogs from all the major brands and I think the lesser-known Troentorps are the absolute best. They are half the price of No. 6 or Hasbeens. Never needed to break them in, last forever, and if you order with the “ideal” rubber sole, you won’t sound like a horse when you walk down the street. (Not affiliated, just a fan!)
Thank you so much for the recommendation, Wink! Looking up Troentorps right now! :)
All this is true! I am the happiest, least stressed part of my life.
Raises hand to all of the above, lol (42 yo here;-)! Wonderful illustration, as always!
You know you are getting old when Happy Hour is a nap! And I love naps ?
My soul feels this.
I so relate to #4 this week! I’ve been hanging onto a denim-covered claw clip for 15ish years. I picked it up at a street stall in Korea for, oh, $1 way back when and it has moved with me across 4 different states. I haven’t worn it at all and it’s just been clutter til yesterday when I saw claw clip hair tricks by young TikTok influencers… So it’s in style now!
Yes to all of this! Especially feeling maternal towards my younger self :)
Never owned a pair of clogs but definitely gave up heels for ballet flats and Adidas white sneakers! I’m 5’7″ – who am I trying to be tall for?!
I would add:
– Not caring what others think about how you look.
– Having disposable income to spend on things you like.
– Wanting, and being able, to go to bed early.
– Appreciating your body for what it does for you.
I guess I’m old :) Every one of these applies to me!
The idea of feeling maternal towards my younger self is making me feel feelings …
Oh, yes. I’m well beyond Cup of Jo’s target demographic, and so much more settled and happier than I’ve been at any other point in my life.
Clogs *do* go with everything!
Until you fall off them when you are at an older age and twist your ankle badly and irreparably. I miss wearing clogs SO MUCH.
Yes! Sported Tevas with socks (and no, not stylish ones, ha!) on my walk around the neighborhood late yesterday and gave zero effs!
YES to giving zero f****!
I can so relate!
I realized recently that I haven’t worn anything other than my chaco sandals or merrell hiking boots outside the house in a year …and decided I’m quite content with that!
Speaking of clogs… Does anyone have any favorite, super comfy, cute but great for walking/feet clogs? I’d love your recommendations! :)
I recently bought a pair by Romika shoes. They fit like a glove.
Check out MIA clogs!
danskos are comfortable
Recently ‘dipped my toe’ (lol) into clogworld w a pair of Danskos. BIG fan, super comfortable and this winter I’ve found the thick soles keep my feet toasty by providing a hefty amount of insulation from the freezing ground
Lusting over No 6 but not sure I’d be able to justify the price even if I were to win the lottery
Thank you all so much for the recommendations!! Will be going down a clog rabbit hole now :)
Chubby babies and milky tea.
Including a “life-changing” brow product.
Including a lighting hack and a "Grown-up Horse Girl" bedroom.