king arthur pizza by cup of jo

What are you up to this weekend? We are making pizza and watching Fatal Attraction, which is so scary! Also, you may have noticed our new ads. We are exploring different revenue streams for the site, since my goal is to continue paying our team and offering health insurance during this intense time. Thank you for being so understanding! Have a good weekend — stay safe — and here are a few fun links from around the web…

Have you watched Unorthodox? I’ve been hearing the best things.

Fighting coronavirus means I haven’t seen my kids in a month.” By our beloved Grace Farris. (New York Times)

This apartment has the most beautiful pink sofa.

Living through a pandemic or potty training a toddler?

Looking forward to wearing this all summer.

25 movies and the magazine articles that inspired them, including Hustlers, Argo and Almost Famous.

A funny advice column from Bon Appetit.

Have you ever seen Hotel Chevalier? I watched it the other day and remembered how good it was.

Where’s Waldo in the era of social distancing, haha.

And a big question: Which book should we read for the next book club? I’d love to choose a book by a woman of color. Maybe the incredible Americanah? Or should we go with something newer?

Plus, two reader comments:

Says Emma on the power I found in shaving my head: “Your transformation is stunning and beautiful! Now, wait for the superpowers to slowly manifest themselves. When I wore my hair buzzed close to the skin, I found that I could close my eyes and feel the direction of the wind. I could sit on the bus and know when people walked by. I grew to know who passed me in the house by the feeling received on my head. You will notice that you are a more attuned antenna. Close your eyes and feel the world anew.”

Says LSH on helpful words from wise people: “From the wise Nora McInerny, my sage on grief and life, ‘Your life is going to be better than you’ll ever imagine and harder than you know. All of it is temporary. All of it is worth it. Go forward. And stand up straight.'”

Stay safe this weekend. xoxo

Note: If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. We recommend only products we genuinely like. Thank you so much.

(Photo by Yossy Arefi from the Cup of Jo Instagram.)