Last year, our weekday dinners were starting to feel a little monotonous…
We’d rush home from work, make scrambled eggs or a Trader Joe’s frozen pizza, and still feel our minds buzzing, while we asked the boys: “How was your day at school?” (which I’ve heard feels, to a child, the same as asking, “How were the last 20 years of your life?”). Dinner felt like one more thing we were checking off the list.
But last Christmas, I got these candlesticks as a gift, and they’ve become a surprising MVP in our daily routine. They somehow make a regular dinner instantly feel special and sacred.
First off, lighting candles slows you down. The ritual feels good: you get the matches, light one, light the other… The boys love it, too. They do that trick where you put your finger through the flame, and they like to blow them out. When friends come over and we light the candles, 10/10 people will be like, “Oh my gosh! Candles! You guys!”
Here are six lovely candle holders, if you’re interested: gold, wooden, seagrass, coiled, porcelain, pink.
That’s it! I know candlesticks aren’t some earth shattering find (guys, have you heard of CANDLES?) but I can’t believe what a difference it makes to our meals, so I thought I’d share. Xoxo
P.S. Cute vases, family dinner ideas, and how to get your kids to talk at dinner.