Long Beach Island

This past weekend, a few friends and I went to Long Beach Island in New Jersey. And we played the funniest game after dinner…

Loaded Questions. Have you ever played? Basically, you ask everyone the same question about life/love/whatever, and you all write down your answers on slips of paper. Then, one person reads them all aloud, and another person guesses who said what. (You rotate who is the guesser.) You can buy a board game, but we just made up our own questions. It’s really fun to figure out how well you know your friends and who will surprise you! We laughed approximately one million times.

Our questions were:
Where in the world would you live, if you had to move tomorrow?
Which celebrity would you have as a spouse, if you had to choose?
What talent would you have, if you could choose anything?
What job would you have, if you couldn’t have your job?
What’s your biggest pet peeve?

(What would your answers be? My answers to the above: San Francisco, Seth Meyers, singing like Jennifer Hudson, a high school math teacher, and yell sneezes for the love of all things holy.)

And here are a few more photos of the trip, if you’d like to see:

Popham tiles

The bathrooms were really simple other than the coolest floor tiles — how pretty are these?

Long Beach Island pool

The pool.

Baggu reusable bag


Long Beach Island

Naps. (“It feels so good to be ignored,” says Gisela, a mom of twins.)

Dinner pasta

The YUMMIEST dinner of pasta with asparagus, peas, garlic, cream and parmesan; and salad with Via Carota dressing.

Female friends

So, I’m curious: Do you ever play games with friends? Which ones do you like? I’m also a huge fan of Would You Rather :)

P.S. A dinner party conversation starter, and four games to play with kids while lying down.