Have you seen this mesmerizing video by data artist Josh Begley? It shows every New York Times front page since 1852 and is such a compelling example of the huge role photography has come to play in our culture.

To brighten up my dull winter skin, I’ve been adding a few shakes of self-tanning drops to my everyday face moisturizer, gradually building a spring glow. They make your face look naturally radiant, like you woke up with a little bronzer on.

How to use less plastic

The eight plastic habits to break. I was sort of bowled over by how much plastic I use when I read this post, and I’d like to cut back. (One small example: How often do you end up needing the plastic cutlery that comes with your sushi delivery? You can just request — or check the box on Seamless — that it not be included.)

A Kiss Cam that embraces kisses of all kinds. Way to go, N.F.L.! (Remember this?)

P.S. More fun things.

(Tan drops photo from Doen.)