What are you up to this weekend? We are finishing up work before the holidays, and I might clean out my closet. Yes, these will be wild times at our apartment :) Hope you have a great weekend, and here are a few fun links from around the web…
A hilarious description of air travel.
Are Chandler and Monica dating in real life?!
5 wine myths, put to rest. (The second one is nuts.)
Whoa, this dress is gorgeous.
Can you justify these lies? What a fascinating discussion.
The funniest Onion articles. Totally worth reading.
The gift I’m giving all my friends. :)
A surprising realization within a marriage. Loved this.
What pretty wallpaper!
The secret to being a good boss.
The Pantone colors of 2016. Serenity now.
Have a good one. xoxo
(Boss link via Swissmiss.)