Prince George birth kate middleton dress

Last night, I was breastfeeding Anton and reading articles on my phone, when I came across this fascinating post about the dress Kate wore when the couple presented their baby to the world. “Kate’s unabashed baby belly busts the last taboo of pregnancy,” wrote the Daily Beast.

When I saw the photo of her beautiful high-waisted dress, which unapologetically highlighted her postpartum belly, I was surprised to find myself flooded with relief. As a new mom, I found it enormously refreshing that she wasn’t trying to hide her shape. You still look pregnant for the first couple weeks after having a baby, and that’s normal and healthy. Obviously, this shouldn’t be a big deal, but these days so many celebrities try to show how quickly they bounce back, while, here, Kate was owning her shape. The dress was a thoughtful choice she made (versus wearing baggy clothes or holding the baby in front of her), since she’s so careful about what she wears, and she knows how much scrutiny she’s under, and I love her for that. What do you think?

royal baby

P.S. On a lighter note, George Costanza’s response to the baby’s name… :)

(Photos by Scott Heavey and Peter Macdiarmid for Getty)