Thank you again for all the sweet notes about the new baby! I’d love to share a few photos of Toby meeting his brother for the first time…

The day after Anton was born, Alex brought an excited Toby to the hospital. A bunch of readers had recommended not holding the baby when the older child arrives; just put the baby in the bassinet and have your arms open to greet your older child. We did just that, and it worked well.

Here’s the first moment they met, when Toby asked to “pet him.” (I was a weepy mess behind the camera.)

Toby also liked playing on my hospital bed. After spending almost two days with just teeny still Anton, Toby was like a tornado! Also, the cutest thing: When he went home with his babysitter that evening, he turned to her and said, “Anton…I want to see him again sometime.”

When we got home, we hung out in our bedroom, just soaking up being a family of four.

Then Toby asked if he could hold him and was giddy, proud and tender. So far, the only indication of any anxiety on Toby’s part was at bedtime. He normally falls asleep easily, but for the first two nights we were home after the hospital he called out for us many times: “Put the covers on me,” “The pictures on the wall are bothering me,” “The curtain is a little bit scary,” “I need some water,” “My Band-Aid fell off…” We were happy to indulge:) Luckily, that seems to have passed, so hopefully everything will keep ticking along. As with all things parenthood, we will take things as they come!

Thank you again for all your sweet notes. xo