As you may have noticed, A Cup of Jo stayed up last night and got a makeover! Two months ago, I asked you which of four redesigns you preferred and loved hearing your feedback. We’ve been working hard all summer, and you’re looking at the final result!

You know when you get a haircut and look in the mirror and don’t recognize yourself at first? That’s sort of how I feel today, ha. But I am thrilled with how much cleaner the blog looks, and the header tabs are my favorite part. (Take a look above!)

On that note, HUGE thanks to the design firm Apartment One and the programmer Jay Johnson, with collaboration from Elihu Bogan. They were incredible to work with, and I’d highly recommend them all.

Anyway, I love you guys and really hope you like it. Please let us know if you spot any glitches; we’re still doing final tweaks. Eeks! Thank you so much!!! xoxo