My darlings, we’ve talked about when you’d feel ready to travel without your baby. I was itching for a romantic trip with Alex yet too nervous to leave Toby behind–but for Alex’s birthday, we decided to take the plunge! I’d love to share a few photos of our trip…

My mom came from Michigan for the weekend to babysit Toby. We were thrilled and felt really comfortable having her there. (Of course, I still left a psychotically detailed list of instructions, maps and phone numbers:)

When planning our trip, I figured we’d stay in the New York area, but then I found an AMAZING deal online for a hotel room at Parrot Cay in the Turks & Caicos! Neither Alex nor I had ever been to the Caribbean (have you?), and it was only a three-hour flight from New York. So, after some thought–since we were celebrating both Alex’s birthday trip and our first trip without Toby–I decided to go for it and book two nights. We. Were. Psyched.

As soon as we arrived, we headed straight the beach, which seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere. The white sand led to warm turquoise water that was so clear, you could see your feet. You could wade way, way out into the water and still only be up to your waist. It was like out of a magazine. I’d never seen anything like it!

Then we walked to the restaurant for lunch, where we shared conch fritters and fish tacos.

Afterward, we read books by the pool, which was gorgeous.

The rest of the afternoon was spent swimming, floating and playing games of Would-You-Rather. The light was so gorgeous, I brought the camera into the water, even though it gave Alex a mild heart attack.

One funny moment: Alex called the front desk to see if we could borrow snorkeling gear, and I overheard his conversation about mask sizes: “My wife has a big head for a woman…I mean…she looks great, but she has a big head…I mean, I have a big head, too…” Haha, noted.

The first night, we relaxed and read books on the World’s Longest Sofa, and then ordered room service (including more conch fritters).

But the funniest moment of the trip was our second night, when we made friends with an awesome couple at the hotel and ended up going skinnydipping! We never do that kind of thing, but it was such a funny, nutty moment–and we definitely felt like ourselves pre-baby!

As for traveling without Toby, the experience was thankfully much easier than I had expected (or feared!). And a two-night trip was the perfect length, since I was really missing him on the third day. When we arrived back in New York on Sunday, the cab drove us home, and I dropped my bags and ran up the stairs to our apartment. Oh, I only had eyes for him. Serious smooches ensued right after this photo was taken!!

Taking a romantic getaway after having a baby felt so, so refreshing and revitalizing–even more than I had expected–and was just such a treat after a year (or years) of breastfeeding, bathing, carrying, singing, etc.! xoxoxo

What about you? Have you ever been to the Caribbean or any other awesome beaches?

(P.S. Update: My green dress was from Ace & Jig)