Speaking of Jane Austen, here’s a little comic. ;)
(By Kate Beaton, via Kat)
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Great!So talented!I love that!Thanks for sharing!
In this distress he was received into the house of Mr. Waldron, where he lay concealed for some time. When the place of his retreat was at length discovered, he took refuge in Flanders, whore he died after a mbt trainers few months’ residence, in the summer of 1791.Under the hospitable roof of this worthy and amiable man, Whalley resumed the care of Jonson ; but want of books, and, perhaps, of sufficient composure of mind, rendered his attcmpte ineffectual, and the manuscript was finally abandoned to his friend, who, in the year 1792, coach outlet store online commenced the publication of it in numbers. The success apparently fell short of the expectations of the editor, as the work was not continued beyond the second number.Mr. Waldron neither possessed, nor pretended to be possessed of, scholastic learning; but he was laborious, accurate, conversant with the stage, and imbued with a rational love of the ancient drama, which he had studied coach bags outlet with success. He appears to have collated Whalley’s copy with the early editions ; and, on attentively retracing his steps, previously to the arrangement of the text for the present publication, I found much to approve in the caution andI Whalley’« text was that of the booksellers’ edition, five finger shoes in Svo. This had been in Theobald’s band«, and an incidental remark by him, of no moment whatever, here and there appeared in Ule margin.judgment with which he had uniformly proceeded. His friendship for Whalley, however, has led him to form far too high an estimate of that gentleman’s qualifications ; and beyond the revision which I have just mentioned, he seems to have contemplated no alteration of the papers left in his hands.Many years had elapsed since the failure, last mentioned, when the republication coach outlet coupon of Joneon w»s proposed to me by Mr. George Nicol, to whom Whalley’e corrected copy had been consigned by Mr. Waldron. I was well aware of the labor and difficulty of the task ; but my objections were overcome by the encouragement of my friend, and I undertook the edition, confident that I was not about to coach purses outlet encumber the public with a superfluous work, for Jonson had now been long out of the bookseller’s hands. One motive there yet was, which had some influence on my determination — a desire, though late, to render justice to the moral character of the author, and rescue him from the calumnies of his inveterate persecutors. My mind had been prejudiced at an early period by the commentators on our old dramas, and I verily believed, as they repeatedly assured me, that ” tho great mbt shoes clearance object of Jonson’s life was the persecution of Shakspeare ; ” nor was it until I became acquainted with the dates of his respective performances that I ventured to question the accuracy of the critics, or to entertain a suspicion that they were actuated by unworthy motives, and could only be relieved 5 finger shoes from the charge of wanton malevolence by the plea of incorrigible folly.Previously to the arrangement of the text, it became necessary to collate the old editions. In the execution of this part of the work, the mode adopted in the revision of Maesinger was carefully followed.
aww I like to believe Jane Austen had a better sense of humor than that!
kate beaton equals LOVE!
hahahahah love it!!
This is too funny!
I mentioned one of your posts in my blog yesterday. You should check it out!
Laugh. Out. Loud. (Seriously audible)
haha amazing xD
HA! So funny.
I can’t wait for our trip to England (my first!) this spring. My husband knows we HAVE to stop in Bath to see Jane Austen’s house :)
Now that is funny.
Nice!!! I’m actually finally going to sit down and start reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies tonight. Pretty excited! :-)
Love Jane Austen. Very funny!
I love it! Our dear Jane Austen celebrated her 235th birthday this month.
OhMyGosh!It’s hilarious:D
speaking of jane austin you gotta read this:
I really like this one :) idea is great! :)
Hahahaha. Love it!
haha this is so funny! it reminds me of this book about deleted love scenes from Jane Austen novels. Can’t remember what that book was called!
Love Kate Beaton. This might be a better link for her work: http://www.harkavagrant.com, as it’s listed by topic there. So does some really sweet, true, slice-of-life strips in addition to the clever historic and literary gems.
nice. i love mr darcy haha
Kate Beaton is awesome. Have you seen her strips animated? There’s only a few, this one (Dude watching with the Brontes) is my favourite- http://vimeo.com/10318464
i love kate beaton :)
I’ve just nominated you for a stylish award. Stylish girl. Pop over to graciously accept it here:
Ahh, so cute – and so very true. A social commentary on Colin Firth jumping in the lake…
Kate Beaton is amazing. I hope you’ve seen this one, too:
cute :)
hahah..Its great! I love comics:)
hilarious! I’m pretty sure my husband is jealous of my on-going Mr. Darcy crush :).
love it!
Love Kate Beaton!