At first glance, I thought this Milan cutie was a dude (with rad shoes!), but then I realized it was a lovely lady with the cheeky expression. What great tomboy style!
At first glance, I thought this Milan cutie was a dude (with rad shoes!), but then I realized it was a lovely lady with the cheeky expression. What great tomboy style!
To my mind everybody have to glance at it.
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So cute. Some women are just made for the tomboy style.
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… layered denim and jacket with military style, oh my, I used to do that. right, where did I…
Gotta have good slinky legs when you are wearing jeans that tight!
I love the flip in her bangs…it’s so feminine and her look is so tomboy! :)
She’s pretty! I love her tpmboy look!
I really really love her coat. After watching Boondock Saints for the millionth time the other night I’ve started the search for the perfect “navy-ish issue” blue coat.
She looks ah-maz-ing!
she’s gorgeous!
she’s cute. kinda looks like a little elf.
adorable adorable adorable. love the quirky butch thing.
those shoes are amazing.
That is the cutest style ever – I want to mimic it!! :)
Very cute, Love the shoes!
yip did think that was a dude!
Love those right jeans & shoes!
great look i would have never thought about!
I love her jacket and the layering is fantastic!
awww……….she looks like my favorite friend, elizabeth.
Wow, this is an amazing look! I wish I could pull this off, she’s so cute!
i love the cap! so glad you don’t have to be “girly” to be pretty these days.
Gorge! I’m definitely a tom boy. She’s a true inspiration ;) Thanks as always for sharing Joanna.
She’s adorable. Those cheekbones help her pull off the tomboy look!!
XX Kate
I have to say I thought the same! Hehe
Good eye, and that is the best denim shirt I’ve seen yet.
Ditto Sarah above — your blog provides a moment of peace in an otherwise dreary work day. Thanks for so many lovely posts!
oh i love her jacket!!
Love the great tailoring of all her pieces! Truly fabulous!
Tomboy in a really chic way…
love. ♥
Love her look. She can rock a hat like none other.
Call me a traditionalist but I’m really not seeing feeling the masculine-look women have been rocking lately. This is not attractive. I think in the 20’s it stood for something but now it just doesn’t make sense. I just watched the movie, Charade last night with Carey Grant and Audrey Hepburn and it just amazed me how Audrey exudes this femininity that is lost so much today…I can say the same for men though as there are not many Cary Grants walking around either but she looked amazing. Very cool peacoat though…I reckon I would rock that. The beanie adds some edge as well.
Lol I saw that on The Sartorialists blog yesterday and had the same double glance thing…I think she’s adorbs, though.
Not. even. kidding. I was planning (and may still) on doing a post all about this pic and maybe finding bargain-y pieces to recreate said outfit.
In love with this tomboy style. In love.
I want to look like that!
she is so adorable!
I love the coat!
i love the look!!! the jacket is my fav..
i freaking LOVE that jacket. and want it. any ideas from where it hails?
ps congrats on the little bean :). i’m 14.5 weeks myself.
pps your blog is a lovely break in my busy day.
Wish I could layer like this, very cute!
Love the jacket. LOVE.
That coat with the gold buttons is very nice!
I would LOVE to be able to rock this look. Skinny jeans and shorts are my white whale. But if I did, I would look like a white whale. Or a fat lesbefriend. If only I were a pixish gamine this would def be my street style.
She reminds me a lot of Anna Friel, who is also cute-as-button. And speaking of buttons, aren’t the gold ones on this girl’s jacket just to die for? Love.
those smart patent oxfords are truly fantastic.
Takes a confident and beautiful woman to pull this off. J’adore!
love it! see, tomboys are charming! :)
Love the outfit. Love her expression even more. It reminds me of the look my youngest sister would get when she did something she knew she shouldn’t have done :)
oh yes, i love that mauve nail polish!
Oh my goodness, has everybody heard this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8469532.stm????
Baby-making break=Priceless.
Great style!! xoxo
I thought the same thing! I want her jacket and what appears to be a blue ring on her left hand. Couldn’t figure it out.
wooo, love that look. Hang on… layered denim and jacket with military style, oh my, I used to do that. right, where did I…
i thought she was a boy, too! the painted finger nails made me think otherwise!
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