You know how you might read a blog all the time and see the blogger’s photos, but never see that person in real life? It’s kind of weird, right? I always feel like I know people without having ever seen them!

Well, if you’d like, you can see, uh, me, moving and talking on this clip today about an apartment swapping story I wrote for Budget Travel. The wide screen stretches me out a little (eeks!) but it was really really fun to do and I now I have secret fantasizes about becoming a news anchor! But only happy news, of course…. :)

P.S. It was totally weird to do this video. It looks like I was talking and looking at the news anchor, but really I was in a teeny dark room all by myself, staring into a empty black screen. I had an earpiece so I could hear what she was saying. But from my perspective, it was totally dark!