Remember how Alex and I went to Abbey’s house for dinner and flipped out about how gorgeous it was? Well, yesterday, her house went up as a Design Sponge Sneak Peek. Yahoo! Go here for the full tour. Abbey, congrats, your place is stunning!!
Very worthwhile info, lots of thanks for your article.
Just beautiful, I checked it out on Designsponge the other day and thought her house was so beautiful.I love her “bubbles” in the fireplace!
I’d kill for that bedroom. Fantastic.
my dream home
wow! It’s beautiful!
Beautiful, quiet, and serene. I aspire to that level of calm in my own home.
Oh, so beautiful! I am inspired.
what a perfectly GORGEOUS home!
gosh, this is gorgeous!
her house is quiet fabulous.
Loved it. :)
wow that home really is amazing! i love how everything seems as though it has a place, but nothing’s too strategic. i especially adore the photos that are leaned up over the mantle!
I love how she has put her touches throughout. You can tell how much she loves it, too when you read her descriptions. Nice Feature!
Great room – and those floors! I love her blog too!
This is a gorgeous house. Calm and sparse, but and cheerful and homey at the same time. Really lovely.
it is pretty breathtaking!
I love that bedroom light, too.
beautiful and if i recall great meal as well! love the light in the bedroom!
really nice. Love the floors.
gorgeous! omg!