Nailed it. By the wonderful Grace Farris.
P.S. Fall makeover and fantasies I have about my kids getting older.
Nailed it. By the wonderful Grace Farris.
P.S. Fall makeover and fantasies I have about my kids getting older.
My dad owns orchards (apple and peach) in Mexico and is truly baffled by the apple picking tradition here in the U.S. Like… people PAY?? To… do the job I pay workers to do?? Haha
What is “The Cold” in reference to? (highlighted with squiggly yellow underlines)
the head cold that people (especially school kids) all pass around in the fall!
This is how I feel about pumpkin patches. I finally banned them in our family lol
Ha, I love apple picking. We lucked out this year with a beautiful day at a family farm in Minnesota about an hour from our house. The ripe apples were some of my favorites (honeycrisp and cortlands) and still on the low-hanging branches(!!!!). My daughter and I had fun picking them.
(The other offscreen reality was my husband and 4yo missed the whole thing because our son fell asleep in the car after whining for 45 min straight on the drive up about how much he did NOT want to pick apples and OMG we were torturing him taking him out of the house on such a nice Fall day.) We win some and lose some as Grace knows!
Spot on. Sad, but I relate.
My only second pick apples excursion was a mess because although I was dressed well, plaid flannel and all, I forgot how heavy a big basket of apples are. I’m bringing a sled next time.
One alternate apple-picking reality: You take a day off from work on a Thursday, leave kids behind, bring a friend, and do whatever you want all day long – apples, lunch, wandering through small towns striking up random conversations. I miss the northeast so much at this time of year.
Sadly I cannot do any of his, but I hope someone else does. It is still f-ing 95 degrees everyday, yes, I am grumpy about it.
I was also thinking just the other day about Smitten Kitchen’s spiced applesauce cake, made with homemade applesauce, which turns out is divine and a snap to make. That is one sublimely delicious autumn cake.
I am rambling on, but speaking of weather – how are the Brooklyn/ NYC peeps doing? News reports are showing photos of flooding.
Random: can anyone suggest a good massage in Rome near a street/area called Via Carlo Grabau? I’m trying to book one for my employer.
Hahaha my experience with my super high energy seven year old is him zooming around picking sooooo many apples that I then have to buy and do something with. And him inevitably becoming too enthusiastic and the orchard owner yelling at him to take it easy on the trees.
For once I don’t relate. I love apple picking season and if you manage to find a not so commercialized/touristy farm (plenty of them in Michigan <3 ) it can be so much fun .
Crisp fall air, smell of fall scented and cinnamon-y drinks , happy sweater clad people and oh the toddlers with apple red cheeks excited to see baby farm animals .. pro tip is to get everyone some warm apple cider and donuts as soon as you arrive BEFORE starting the apple picking excursion :)
Maybe you have to be in Michigan because I agree with you 100% we love all fruit picking!!!!
Yesss, the apple-picking is so good in Michigan. Love the wagon ride, all the cute babies, toddlers and dogs, and the promise of a cup of cold cider and a warm donut at the end.
yes fall cider mills in michigan are the BEST.
No time this year – bought an apple pie for my family for $5.99 last night. (I do not partake in anything with lattice on it.)
So spot on, especially the toddler slouch and mixed pink/purple prints :) It’s such a racket, and yet, almost every children’s book about fall is full of apple-picking propaganda!!!!
Haha so true! Just experienced something similar yesterday when trying to pick apples for deer from one of our backyard apple trees. Toddler had zero interest in walking through the tall wet grass to get to the tree, then wanted to be picked up and held while I was holding branches with one hand and picking apples with the other.
Grace, were you on the apple picking field trip with my daughter and I last Friday? LOL. This is exactly what happened, down to the mismatched outfit and binks. XD
Watch the SNL Apple Picking Ad 😂
“cosplay outdoorsy-ness” hahahaha!
running from bees, not enough apples at reachable levels and kid sees other kids with pickers but there are none left for us, tripping on fallen apples, and then standing in line to pay and realizing your tot collected a LOT of apples with bug holes that you’re now going to pay $$$ for. That picture for insta better be worth it ;-).
yes, the bees!!!! :)
The other night, the boys and I went to Jenny's new apartment...
Including buzz cuts, chic bobs and vivid blue dreadlocks.
Take a look inside...