

My loves, how are you doing? The Cup of Jo community is full of such wise, wonderful people, and I would love to hear what’s going on with you, if you’re up for sharing.

Life can feel impossibly hard. It can also be beautiful. Both things can be true.

My own highs and lows these days: Lemonade. Aging parents. Cool showers on hot days. Andy Samberg’s dancing. Chocolate chip cookies warmed up in the microwave. Big family changes. The mediation grind. Nabbing the good spot on the sofa. Long walks. Sweden’s amazing slides. Generalized anxiety. Missing Anton while he’s traveling. Sorrow and Bliss, a book I am rereading and loving even more than the first time. Funny children. Preteen moods. Onion dip. Hot flashes!

Meanwhile, this Instagram reel made me laugh so much. My summer motto, courtesy of modern-day sage Amy Poehler: No one looks stupid when they’re having fun.

Your turn! Please share, if you’re in the mood…

One thing you’re looking forward to:
A worry that’s on your mind:
Your ideal breakfast:
Your random pet peeve:
The movie you can rewatch a million times:

Sending the biggest hug to anyone who needs one, and so much love, as always. And, remember, sometimes you just need a cup of tea and a biscuit. xoxo

P.S. Wise words, and professional actors reading Yelp reviews.

(Photo by J. Anthony/Stocksy.)