dog on boat

dog on boat

What are you up to this weekend? Tonight I’m going to see Past Lives with a friend — it looks so good! — and tomorrow I’m having a little drinks party. I’m thinking of making a batch cocktail — maybe Pimm’s Cup? (Please lmk if you have any recommendations!) Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…

How to talk to your child when the world is ending. Loved this.

What a cool Italian house tour.

The writers of Succession consulted with rich people: “I remember them saying to us, ‘What are you doing? Rich people don’t have coats! They just go from their car to their jet to their building.’ In the first season, I wrote the Thanksgiving episode, and I’d written ridiculous things like Marcia saying, ‘I’m cooking a turkey’ or ‘Let’s sit down and eat.’ They were like, ‘Oh my God, she wouldn’t even know where the kitchen was!”…Then I’d written that the staff was wearing maid’s uniform… I don’t know what staff look like. And they were like, ‘No, no, they’d be in chinos and polo shirts.'”

Never Have I Ever season four dropped this week, squeeee.

Very into these sandals: splurge, steal.

Two older best friends traveling together. “One day, I said: Ellie, I’ve always wanted to ride the trans-Siberian train. Do you think that’s something we could go on as a trip together?” (NYTimes gift link)

A Paris travel guide, including a life-changing sandwich shop.

Our contributing editor Kaitlyn Teer wrote a beautiful essay on parenting through atmospheric rivers for Orion Magazine.

Love this artwork.

Thank you to alllllll the readers who recommended the fascinating memoir Do No Harm.


Plus, three reader comments:

Says Brooke on our Father’s Day gift guide: “One year — completely out of ideas for my dad — I gave him coffee beans and a cheesy poem with a promise of monthly coffee dates, just the two of us. We’d meet at different spots (sometimes Starbucks, sometimes a mom-and-pop café, sometimes home-brewed at a park) and chat about all manner of life things. It was so precious to both of us, and I swear I’ve never seen him so excited about a gift.”

Says Savala on 10 great reader comments on traveling: “I always try to find a bookstore and buy something to read once I get home. Local bookstores often have a very particular place-y vibe, where you can see a slice of everyday life unfolding, like at a local restaurant. And I’m a book person, so I get a terrific physical souvenir that becomes part of my library and gives me a sensory memory of the place. Bonus: It’s fun to tell people, Oh, I got this at a little bookstore in Paris/Nairobi/Rio, etc.”

Says Jenny on 10 great reader comments on traveling: “Going through a stage of life where I’m too broke and working too much for Big Travel. Even just taking the bus to a different neighborhood feels good or driving to the beach in the evening with a sandwich and a fold-up chair.”

(Photo by Marco Reggi/Stocksy.)