What are you up to this weekend? We are having lasagna tonight and watching the Warriors game. (Toby has gotten me into basketball!) Hope you have a good one — stay safe — and here are a few links from around the web…

How to help people in Texas. Sending love.

The Supernova trailer looks incredible.

On becoming a stay-at-home mother.

This headline made me laugh.

A quite possibly wonderful summer. (!)

Pajamas you can wear all day.

Feeling moved by these tiny love stories. (New York Times)

Broccoli melts for lunch, yes please.

I’m a short afternoon walk, and you’re putting way too much pressure on me.” Hahaha

Issa Rae being awesome.

Plus, three reader comments:

Say Whitney on these four comedians are giving me life: “The Mike Birbiglia stand-up special on Netflix, The New One, is so well done! His storytelling is masterful and this one was really hilarious but beautiful in a lot of ways. I don’t want to spoil anything but the ending is just perfect.”

Says Lilly on what’s your travel fantasy: “Early on in the pandemic, I was so desperate that I started to collect a variety of livestream webcams, in Norway, the Swiss Alps, you name it. They are the best! Lo and behold, a cozy bay in Liguria, Italy. And my latest discovery: live walks! It’s a YouTube genre of its own, I had no idea! For example, this is a channel that shows random strolls through Paris, including the original sound. It’s the most amazing thing; highly recommended if you’re suffering from cabin fever.”

Says B. on 15 great reader comments on sex: “Just wanted to raise a hand for anyone in happy relationships who don’t have super active sex lives. My boyfriend and I have been together for a decade and are incredibly happy together, and we don’t have high sex drives and it works for us! I often see this setup positioned as a problem and wanted to shout out to anyone in the comments who might be feeling left out. We’re all different and it’s cool.”

(Photo by Pnwonderland/Instagram.)