dog walker by Stoops Of Brooklyn

What are your plans this weekend? We have been eating ice cream every day to cool off, and honeycomb has become our official family flavor. Have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…

How micro aggressions made my dream of living in suburbia impossible.”

Have you seen the show Say I Do? It’s so good; I loved this episode.

Is sex dead for parents? “While in domestic confinement, the most comforting thing I can say to my female friends, near and far, is not ‘This too shall pass.’ Nor is it ‘We can do hard things.’ It is my own pearl of wisdom, and it goes something like this: ‘Don’t worry, no one actually wants to have sex with their husband.'” (New York Times)

We discovered the best game! I can’t stop playing it.

Pregnancy dressing advice from nine women.

Oh, just the greatest gymnast of all time.

Rooting for Biden.

Hair Love is going to be adapted into an HBO series.

The 2020 Audubon photography award winners. (That scuba diver!)

Oooh, tomato season is almost upon us. How about tomato salad or tomato sandwiches?

Plus, three reader comments:

Says Becky on would you do a wedding first look: “We chose to do a first look! But I was SO jittery and on such a blissfully weird emotional high that day, that instead of the sweet blushing bride tap on the shoulder that most people probably give to their groom, I crept over to him like a freaky little dinosaur-creature and full-on yelled ROAAARR!!! as I pounced on him! I have no idea why I did that but he was definitely surprised.”

Says Christina on the five best graphic novels: “I really recommend Palimpsest by Lisa Wool-Rim Sjöblom. So much happens in the pictures — slight changes in attitude and glances — that I couldn’t put it down. And then I read it again.”

Says Elise on my relationship with my daughter is full of love and loss: “Wow, this is a stunningly beautiful piece of writing. I still maintain that my favorite parenting book of all time isn’t your typical parenting book about sleep schedules and baby-led weaning, but a hauntingly, achingly, resoundingly beautiful memoir, The Still Point of the Turning World by Emily Rapp. It’s about how she learned to parent her baby — whom at a very young age was diagnosed with a terminal illness that would kill him by three-years-old — for the absolute moment and not for the person he would become. It changed my whole life, and I am a different parent because of it.”

(Photo by Stoops Of Brooklyn/Instagram. Audubon winners via Kottke.)

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