By the wonderful Grace Farris.
P.S. Pandemic hair and lipstick styles.
I wish it weren’t this way and things like schools, and offices were back in session.
Yes! Thank you for putting words to what I’m feeling! Smunday and Blursday :D
I just keep wondering how Grace Ferris can still be a physician in NYC on the front lines of COVID 19 AND write an amazing cartoon each week??
Ha! This is so true! Life seems like just one big blurred blob of time, broken up by meals and streaming shows.
What I really need to know is how to wear a face mask without my glasses fogging up every time I exhale.
You know how women used to wear corsets and hoop skirts and other ridiculousness that we can’t even fathom? And then they decided, that’s bull shit, and stopped. Friends, I think we have also had our “this is bull shit” epiphany. I for one hope no one goes back. I just don’t think expensive shoes that hurt your feet and trendy pants that hurt your belly make you work harder or think more clearly. I will stand up and cheer (in my yoga pants and cardigan and tank top with the built in bra and Crocs) if this is the actual death of fashion and someone else telling us what we should wear.
My trick to feeling productive and ready for work but cosy is jeggings. They’re pretty much pajamas but they help keep my boss from worrying about me and they let me go from Zoom to nap in a matter of seconds
I keep trying to wear “real clothes” so I can feel like a “real human” and then after about an hour I realize that real clothes are stupid and I put my soft pants back on.
Emma, you have figured this shit out.
I hope soft clothes stay forever.
“Blursday”–omg. Definitely referring to the second half of the week as this from now on.
My thoughts exactly. Couldn’t relate more to it!
Don’t forget Hard Pants (aka jeans)
Hahaha, “hard pants”! I love that so much.
Yes! We call jeans “hard pants”, too. Feels so real!
I like to call my “nicer” soft pants “comfort slacks”. Casual elegance!
I relate to all of this! Smunday and Blursday – so clever and accurate!
Spot on!
My husband has renamed the two months of quarantine Marpril and Maypril. Both happen at the same time.
This made me laugh so hard :-) :-) Thank you!