What are you up to this weekend? Anton is starting drumming classes, so I might make some brownies for our neighbors:) Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…
Thank you for being so excited about our Spring Market! Would love to meet you there. :)
I saw this movie this week, and it was a delightful confection.
Would you try no-screen Sundays?
A comic talking to kids about the coronavirus. Loved this.
This photo made me laugh so much!
This shirt has the prettiest sleeves.
What a welcoming entryway.
A delicious dinner for kids or adults.
We interrupt this brain surgery to bring you a violin solo.
Have you seen Love Is Blind? It’s bonkers but so compelling.
Enjoyed this essay by rom-com director Nancy Meyers, who now finds herself attending weddings with her ex-husband. (New York Times)
Plus, a reader comment:
Says Christine on what’s one nice thing someone has done for you: “While traveling in Hong Kong, I had an anxiety attack in the middle of a crowded shopping mall — my heart felt as though it would explode, and I felt like I was drowning. As I scanned my surroundings for somewhere to sit, I realized that both of my calves and all of my toes decided to start cramping.
“Overwhelmed and now unable to walk, I sat down on the floor in the middle of the shopping mall and tried to stretch out my cramps. I was beyond caring about how strange I must have looked. Moments later, older Hongkonger ladies who didn’t speak English came to me and began massaging my legs and took my shoes off to massage my cramped toes. My bare feet. Covered in my cold sweat. While they did this, other ladies stopped to help and massaged my hands.
“My anxiety passed, as did my cramps, but they would not let me stand up until I finished a bottle of water they instructed another stranger to get for me.” How sweet is that?
Have a great weekend. xoxo
(Photo by Carla Lalli Music on Instagram. No-screen Sundays via Swissmiss.)
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