What are you up to this weekend? We are going out for Vietnamese food, and the boys and I have gotten into playing Sushi Go, so I foresee lots of that, too! Hope you have a great weekend, and here are a few fun links from around the web…
63 years between kisses. (NYTimes)
Translation of a seemingly pleasant conversation between two of my aunts at Christmas, haha.
Every movie of the 2010s ranked.
For the first time, Miss America, Miss Universe, Miss Teen USA and Miss USA are all black women!
Whoa, these cookies.
Wearing these boots non-stop this season.
Is this the best gift for kids?
A map of all the languages spoken in New York City.
This pasta uses two whole bottles of wine.
Nine things interior designers still have from their first apartments.
Plus, a reader comment from Libby on a snowy proposal:
I knew that my boyfriend had a ring and was waiting for the perfect moment. I also knew that too much pressure could sometimes paralyze him. One night, while we were making dinner, I was gently ribbing him about not having done it even though we’d just had an incredible weekend getaway. He kept saying, ‘I know! I know! I just got nervous.’
As we were walking to the living room with our plates of food (to eat while we watched reruns of The Office, as is our way), I said, ‘Honestly, I don’t need anything special. I am not the kind of person who needs a fancy show.’
He said, ‘So, you’re telling me that I could just pull out a ring right here. Right now and you’d be fine with that.’
‘Yes! Of course I would be fine with that.’
‘So, you mean to tell me *puts his plate down* that if I just interrupted our conversation right now *gets on a knee* and asked you to marry me, even though we’re just having a normal day *pulls out ring* you’d be fine with that?’
I remember saying, ‘I am holding a plate of mashed potatoes right now!’ Hahaha!
I loved it. It really was perfect. A regular day. Making dinner together. Having a conversation. Just living our life together — making it official that we were gonna keep making our life together.
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(Photo from Cup of Jo’s Instagram.)