What are you up to this weekend? We’re finishing up a wonderful week visiting relatives in California and will be heading home. I’ve also been reading this book on our trip and flagging almost every page. Have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web, if you’re in a reading mood…
How people spend sudden financial windfalls. Loved this.
A quick trick for making supermarket flowers look fancier.
My beauty editor friend swears by these foot peels. Would you try?
A chocolate cake worth crossing an ocean for.
“I’m 33 and just bought my first vibrator.”
How delicious does this appetizer look?
What I say when I don’t know what to say. (“I try never to ask what people do for a living in a conversation, but when I want to be polite after someone tells me what they do: ‘Wow. That sounds hard.'”
Two romantic essays: meeting my 84-year-old father’s new girlfriend (NYT) and the spouse with the short fuse.
There is no time for anything else.
Plus, two great reader comments:
Says KL on reader comments on beauty: “The best thing I ever did was tune in to my natural features. I wanted black mascara to work for me for so long. I wanted thick eyebrows to work for me forEVER. But I never got the look I was trying to achieve. Then, I turned 30 and I stopped trying to make black happen and got my first brown mascara. I now fill in my own brow shape and size instead of making them bigger. I’ve always been self-conscious about how I looked, and now I’m realizing that using what I already have works best. May not be for everyone (because damn, don’t some ladies just look killer with a dramatic cat eye), but for me, me is best.”
Says Em (and many others!) on workout apps: “Yoga with Adriene is the first exercise program I’ve ever stuck with, and it has been so good for my body and brain. I began it during a period of depression and acute stress and anxiety, and it made all the difference. She is loving and encouraging and has a great sense of humor. YWA all day, every day.”
(Top photo by Emily Waterfield. Preschool pocket treasures via Erin.)