What are you up to this weekend? We’re putting up Halloween decorations! The boys are envisioning ghosts and skeletons, and we’ll see how scary they can make them. Thank you also for all the comments on our Clare V. collaboration. We are glad to say that we were able to add more sweatshirt sizes — XL and XXL. I hear you that we should have had more sizes to begin with, and I apologize for that. I wish we could have a wider range right now, but hopefully this will help a bit in the meantime. In the future, size inclusion will be our top priority. Thank you, thank you for the thoughtful notes! Sending lots of love. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…
Do you hang art in your bathroom?
A Banksy painting shreds itself after selling for $1.4 million. (!)
Stop canceling and rescheduling things. “Last year I decided I would stop rescheduling my commitments and treat them as just that: commitments. And what I found is that when I committed to do the things I said I’d do, I actually felt much less stressed by them. As I kept more and more commitments, I got more and more confident.”
A very funny obituary, of all things. What a cool person he must have been.
A spot-on idea for a parenting book. Made me laugh.
The new show Salt Fat Acid Heat looks great.
Have you seen these braces straightening teeth???!!! NUTS.
10 of the most popular chicken recipes. #bookmarked
This is 18 years old. (NYT)
Plus, two reader comments:
Says Marisa on wedding dos and don’ts: “Ask your D.J. to save the playlist from your wedding. It’s like a time capsule of the night – this is when the wine glass broke, this is when I danced like crazy with my college friends, this is when we snuck away for a kiss…I listen to ours every anniversary and my mind goes through the entire night.”
Says Sarah on an anxiety trick: “My childhood mind had a room full of sweet, smart, beautifully dressed women sitting around (looking back, in the form of a 17th century salon). I couldn’t see the ladies up close, but I would visit them in my mind at night when I was frightened in the dark, or after watching a scary movie. We would talk about everyday things and eventually I would fall asleep. That imaginary room of women was so comforting. In the last few years there have been moments were I have returned to this room and it has given me such relief. It’s a diversion from the worries and fears in my mind and I am soothed better than any meditation app or mantra I’ve tried so far.”
(Photo by Mav. Obituary via Kottke. Ina Garten via Hither & Thither. Rescheduling post via Jocelyn.)