Lemons by Taylor Anne Swaim

What are you up to this weekend? We’re excited to be visiting old friends in Austin for a couple days. Tonight we’re going to Elizabeth Street Cafe. (Any other food recommendations?) Hope you have a good one, and if you’re in a blog-reading mood, here are a few fun links from around the web…

When you let kids rewrite the house rules. (“We’re never going to bed.”)

Alex got to eat tacos with this hunky movie star for WORK.

Wishlisting this pretty dress. That back!

One way to get a job.

Damn, Bon Appetit comes up with the best titles. Exhibit A, exhibit B, exhibit C.

Dogs review the movie Isle of Dogs, haha.

So sweet: Megan Markle’s dad reading a picture book to learn about England.

Science says it takes 50 hours to make a friend. Thoughts? That number sounds so high to me.

Looking in the mirror.

Timothée Chalamet made me do it. #nobutforreal

Plus, two great reader comments…

Says Deena on five words that changed everything: “I thought of this post today in my yoga class when the teacher said, ‘Are you on your side?’ and she didn’t mean body position in space. What a gentle reminder that you can and should be your own biggest fan.”

Says Lisa on a funny parenting realization: “One of the most mortifying moments of my life was when I was at university, and two of my classmates were arguing behind me. I turned around and said ‘Just stop. I don’t care who started it, but one of you finish it,’ in my mother’s exact tone of voice. It was terrifying.”

Have a good one. xoxo

(Photo by Taylor Anne Swaim. Job and friend links from Jocelyn Glei.)