We feature an illustration by the lovely Mari Andrew every Friday morning. Here’s today’s. xo
P.S. How much you know, and a date menu.
We feature an illustration by the lovely Mari Andrew every Friday morning. Here’s today’s. xo
P.S. How much you know, and a date menu.
Lovely. Thank you for the reminder!
Love this! So relevant these days! Thank you ladies :)
This might be the best thing you’ve ever posted. And that’s a bold statement, because you’ve posted a lot of kick ass things!!!!
This has really hit home with me this week. Such a wonderful and timely reminder to be a little be gentler to others and ourselves. Thanks Mari.
PS. I look forward to these illustrations every week. You have a lovely, fabulously simple, way of capturing those important issues that affect us all.
I’m going to memorize this and repeat it often!
So wise. Love your work, Mari ❤️
Thank you Mari and Jo. Why is it always so hard to believe those words when directed to ourselves?
This is great. Ringing so true right now. I’m reading an amazing book called “Self-Compassion” by researcher Kristin Neff. It’s all about being kind to yourself. Highly recommended!!
I just started reading that book and agree! I have always been self-critical, but I never realized how much it shaped my identity until I started reading this book and found myself deeply challenged by the notion of self-compassion. Such a great read!
Thank you for the recommendation. Sounds great!
This so true and great to be reminded of every now and then!
Ah, so true!!!
Mari is a genius, never fails.
I needed this.
I’m currently hiding in a back room of my gym while my kids are in the gym child care because I just needed some time alone but I’m too tired to exercise. So yes, I needed this!
I have definitely put my kids in gym childcare so I could take a shower or read a book!
You’re so awesome! It must get hard sometimes, being a mom!
Love this and love the comment section even more. Best blog community.
Mari’s art is like… medicine to me.
Home sick with two kids and anothern on the way. Laundry piled up and toys scattered. This was such a nice thing to see today.
Gosh, this just made me cry (and not just because I’m pregnant with our third!) Thank you, Mari!!
Encountering this right now felt so comforting, on a day where I feel especially not good at my job, at being a good or present to my kids, and a partner to my spouse (never mind my friends, who I rarely see). Thank you for this. I really needed it and made my day.
What I need today. Thanks to Cup of Jo and Mari!
Can you please post this on Instagram so I can tag all my mom friends?
yes! :) doing right now…
perfect illustration at just the right time!
this is great!
Thank you for this, it’s exactly what I needed this morning. A good reminder to treat yourself like you would treat your best friend, as Erin said!
This pretty much suits all women! We are amazing! <3
Yes! Thank you.
This almost made me cry. I’m trying to get back to my normal self after a late miscarriage for my kids and husband, but it’s hard. I AM doing my best and it (probably) is good enough. Sigh.
It is definitely good enough! Take care of yourself, mama. Sending you extra love and warmth today.
It’s enough and you are enough. Big hugs!
A new normal mama. Sending you hugs.
Yes it’s hard but you’re wonderful and you’re doing it well. Lots of hugs for you Emily
Thank you so much ladies. The COJ community is really fantastic. Hugs right back at you all!
Favorite so far :)
This is actually exactly what my therapist told me I need to do more of. Treat yourself like you would treat your best friend!
Love this, Erin!
Needed this today! Mari is basically my therapist. Do you think I should start paying her $100/week?
Yes! Then she can make more amazing art. #moneywellspent
Agreed, I’ll chip in with you :)
“and it’s okay that her best isn’t perfect.”
Thank you.
I wasn't looking for love, but it found me anyway.
Now that I've been a mom for 13 years, I've figured out a few ways to make parenting easier...
11 links, including the perfect travel shirt and a Berlin restaurant with a funny bathroom.