This weekend, our family went to upstate New York. We went hiking. We pushed the boys on a tree swing. We roasted s’mores. It was so nice to take deep breaths of country air. Life felt sweet and simple.
But after we returned home on Sunday, we of course heard the news. Along with devastating earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, Charlottesville, Barcelona, violence and unrest this fall comes this shooting in Las Vegas. Honestly, it’s hard to know what to say. What does one say? I wish I could offer something reassuring; or list ways we could stop this and fix everything. As a parent, I wish I knew how to protect my children and keep them safe, for sure, without a shadow of a doubt. But how?
How are you feeling? Sending so much love to everyone who was directly affected; and those in grief today. Here are ways to help — including giving blood, no matter where you live, and pushing for common sense gun control laws.
Again, sending a big hug to everyone; we won’t be publishing our usual posts today. Please let us know if you have other ideas of how to help, or think about these events. xoxo
(Illustration by Alessandra Olanow.)