What are you up to this weekend? After all the heartbreak and upset in the news lately, I hope you’re hanging in there. It’s disorienting. Hug your loved ones extra tightly this weekend. We’re heading to the beach to visit some friends, and I want to just soak up the boys and watch them play in the sand. Meanwhile, if you’re in a blog-reading mood, here are a few fun links from around the web…
Ha! Love this fun fact about The Graduate.
An awesome approach to allowance. (What cool parents.)
NYC will provide free tampons and pads in public schools, prisons and shelters. Bravo.
For better salads, the key is a bigger bowl.
The most adorable summer ritual!
How rad is this guy’s resume? No wonder he got the internship without even an interview.
What a pretty summer shirt.
TV critics’ first impressions of 9 legendary TV comedies.
Can’t wait to read this new book, which is getting insane reviews.
And great news: Loeffler Randall is having a 50% off sale (!!) on their shoes and bags.
Have a good one. xoxo
(Photo of Beyonce and Jay Z’s private tour of the Louvre.)