Toby's birthday party

Toby's birthday party

Toby's costume

On Saturday, we threw a birthday picnic for Toby. It’s crazy, he’s still a newborn baby at heart, but somehow he has transformed into a long and lanky six-year-old! Here are a few photos, if you’d like to see…

Battery Park City meadow

We invited friends to the meadow in Battery Park City, where we’ve had Toby’s first, second, third, fourth and fifth birthday parties. (All the picnics have been under the same tree!) He has grown so much through the years, it’s so crazy to compare the photos.

Hugo and Leo

We all hung out…


Played with hula hoops…

Big gold balloon

And the big gold balloon

Julian Cailin

And kicked balls around. (I love how my friend Cailin and her son have the same body language here. So cute:)

Joanna Goddard and Alex Williams

We ordered pizzas for everyone, and Alex, true to form, made spiked orange juice for the adults.

Toby's party


Toby's party

After running around for a couple happy hours, it was time for cake!


Toby always asks for a donut cake, and my mom knocked it out of the park with this beautiful tower! She attached the donut holes with toothpicks to a foam cone. So cool, right?

Donut cake

Toby was thrilled. Oh, that little face. (By the way, Toby is totally into Rescue Bots these days, so when our friend gave him a costume, he immediately put it on and wore for the whole party!)

Toby and Joanna

“If you knew how great is a mother’s love, you would have no fear.” — Peter Pan.


Thank you so much to everyone for such a great afternoon. It’s astonishing how quickly time flies, but it has been such a wonderful six years, and we’re so grateful to have this little boy in our lives. xoxo

P.S. Gold birthday candles, and slamdunk birthday presents for kids of all ages.

(Photos by our lovely friend Ana Schechter. Thank you, Ana!)