I’ve never been much of a morning person. (The words troll, grump and zombie come to mind.) No matter what, jumping out of bed never seems quite as alluring as basking in my cave of comfy sheets and blackout curtains. But lately, I’ve found that a few rituals make the early hours manageable, and even (dare I say) enjoyable…
As soon as I climb out of bed, I drink a humongous glass of water, to rehydrate and get my system going. Then, I make a cup of coffee, otherwise known as The Elixir of Life. I love all manner of coffee — French press, drip, iced, espresso — and have been known to rotate between them. No matter how I prepare it, though, my favorite coffee is Blue Bottle.
These days, my drink of choice is a homemade latte, using their Hayes Valley espresso (with hints of dark chocolate and brown sugar) and a healthy splash of coconut milk. There are few things as comforting as a warm mug in my hand and a warm dog at my feet, especially while scanning the news, checking emails and — let’s be honest — seeing what’s popped up on Instagram.
Once I’ve caffeinated and caught up with the world, it’s off to the gym. As a reformed sloth, I’ve found that squeezing in a daily workout keeps me happy and sane. Since November, I’ve rotated between a bunch of classes: yoga, cycling, kickboxing, dancing, circuit training and Pilates. Having a regular routine doesn’t mean you can’t keep it interesting!
“But how do you stay motivated?” friends will sometimes ask. Two words: crazy pants. Crazy pants make all things achievable.
On the way to work, I drink my breakfast-smoothie-of-champions: banana, peanut butter and almond milk, with a handful of spinach thrown in. (The spinach makes it look green and healthy, so you feel all virtuous drinking it, but it tastes… exactly like peanut butter. No one ever has to know.)
If I need an afternoon pick-me-up, I’ll hit up my neighborhood Blue Bottle outpost. Once the weather turns warm, you will find me there always, sipping their cult favorite New Orleans, a sweet, creamy iced coffee cut with chicory. The baristas really know their stuff, and you always get a perfect cup.
If you don’t live near one of their cafes, you can order their beans — and so much more — directly from their site. All coffee is shipped within 48 hours of roasting, for optimum flavor. They even offer an at-home coffee subscription service, which you can try for free. (I also love their handy brewing guides, which distill tricky brewing techniques into easy-to-follow steps.)
Today, Blue Bottle is giving FIVE lucky readers a drip coffee tote, including a ceramic Bonmac dripper and a package of filters — everything you need to brew the perfect cup at home. To enter, please visit Blue Bottle, then leave a comment below. The winners will be chosen at random on Monday, April 11th. Good luck! (Update: The giveaway winners have been notified. Thanks for participating!)
Bonus for all readers: Blue Bottle is offering free shipping on first-time orders of anything on their site — beans, brewing gear, you name it — through April 30th. You can click on any link in this post to place your order. Thank you so much, Blue Bottle!
(Photos by Julia Elizabeth Photography for Cup of Jo. This post is sponsored by Blue Bottle, the coffee I drink every day. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Cup of Jo.)