Stylists’ pomade to give the greatest gift of all: a sleek ponytail without frizz, $22.

An encouraging pot for her trembling houseplants. 19 euro.

The Most of Nora Ephron, $22.47, a collection of essays, books and screenplays of the late, great writer. From the glowing NYTimes review: “The real Nora Ephron was the person every­body wanted to hang out with, in part because she was funny and charming but more critically because she made the people she was with feel funny and charming…..She was never the life of the party in the classic center-of-the-crowd sense. She was the one who listened and then finally tossed in the one fabulous line that brought every­thing together. Her best writing was exactly the same.”

A $100 gift certificate to Kitchen Surfing, the awesome service that lets normal people hire private chefs. It’s totally customizable, so you can choose to learn to make dumplings, have stiff cocktails or host an Italian dinner party. Available in New York, the Hamptons, Berlin, LA, Chicago and Boston. How cool is that?

Glow-in-the-dark Ouija board, $20, to ask all your most pressing questions, along with a bottle of wine.

A cheeky tote to make her laugh, $12.

Fancy candle, $60. The kind of thing you don’t buy for yourself but you LOVE when someone gives to you. (This one smells like a cozy fire.)

A yearlong membership to the Museum of Modern Art, $85, because it’s inspiring, romantic and a little nuts.

Jeni’s ice cream package, $29, with two flavors of ice cream and one bag of gravel (flavors include French Toast and Everything Bagel!)

P.S. More gifts for friends, and the 2013 gift guide so far…