Everyday snapshots of kids are adorable—eating dinner, going down the slide, falling asleep—but sometimes it’s nice to have more “formal” portraits. My photographer friend Alpha helped me set up a homemade photo booth. As part of a three-part photography series sponsored by Canon, here’s a simple tutorial…
We chose a bright spot by the window and taped up a piece of fabric. (You could also use wrapping paper, vintage wallpaper or pretty bed sheets.) While Toby sat on a stool, we propped up a piece of poster board to help reflect light for crisper photos. Here are a few of the final results…
You could try different fabrics or bring in cute toys and props, as well. So quick and easy! We had a really fun afternoon.
Thank you so much, Alpha!
P.S. Six tips for photographing toddlers, and how to photograph goofy kids. Plus, four hair tutorials for little girls.
(This post was sponsored by Canon as part of a three-post series about photographing kids. Thanks for supporting the sponsors that make Cup of Jo possible. Photos by Alpha Smoot for Cup of Jo.)